Background and Objectives: Various interventions aim to reduce obesity and promote healthy lifestyles among different cultural groups.Methods: We have conducted a systematic literature review, following PRISMA guidelines (registered at, to explore profiles of cultural adaptation and parenting approach of lifestyle interventions for families with young children (1-4 years).Results: Our search (in CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, and SSCI) yielded 41 studies reporting 31 interventions. Drawing on Intervention Mapping, we applied a newly developed framework with various indicators of cultural adaptation and a parenting approach to analyze interventions. Our review shows clear differences in the level of cultural adaptation. A categorical principal component analysis revealed 6 different empirical profiles of cultural adaptation.Conclusions: Based on our profiles, we discuss how cultural adaptation can be strengthened in the design of future early interventions aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Interprofessional collaboration and practice (IPCP) is considered the cornerstone for effective service delivery for children with speech language and communication needs (SLCN). Following Stutsky and Spence Laschinger’s framework, we investigated IPCP-related differences between Dutch and Norwegian professionals in a cross-national comparative survey study. The personal relational skills of communication, trust and situational factor support structures were related to interprofessional collaboration in both countries. Trust was a stronger predictor for the Dutch sample than the Norwegian sample. A moderated moderation analysis revealed that the relationship between IPCP and perceived team effectiveness is moderated by trust for the Dutch professionals but not for their Norwegian colleagues. Trust may play a vital role for interprofessional teams in the Dutch context because service delivery is mainly characterised by the pull-out intervention of specialised professionals. In the integrated early intervention context of Norway, emphasis on professional communication skills seems a fruitful strategy to enhance the effectiveness of teams. Early intervention service delivery may be strengthened by structural facilitation and building networks to develop trust across professionals and organisations, which supports the development of professional competence relevant to IPCP in early intervention service delivery.
Inclusive early childhood education and care (ECEC) requires interprofessional collaboration between professionals with diverse professional backgrounds. Following developments in human services, there is a growing interest in the role of interprofessional teams in community-based settings for young children. In a three-year longitudinal study, we investigated interprofessional collaboration (IPC) between staff from childcare, education and youth care. At the individual level, a survey was used for the analysis of IPC competences. At the network level, we investigated professional relationships between individuals using social network analysis. Results of a multilevel mixed linear model showed an increase in interdependence and reflection on process of individual staff, followed by the progressive development of perceived team performance. Smaller networks with higher density and professionals’ centrality predicted more positive perceptions of inclusive ECEC. We discuss our findings in the context of growing interest in interprofessional teams in ECEC.
The clubfoot deformity is one of the most common congenital orthopaedic “conditions”. Worldwide approximately 100,000 children are born with unilateral or bilateral clubfoot every year. In the Netherlands the incidence is approximately 175 every year. This three dimensional deformity of the foot involves, equinus, varus, adductus, and cavus . Left untreated the clubfoot leads to deformity, functional disability and pain. Physical impairments of children with clubfoot might lead to limitations in activities and therefore impede a child’s participation. In clinical practice, the orthopaedic surgeon and physiotherapists are regularly consulted by (parents of) clubfoot patients for functional problems such as impaired walking and other daily activities. This does not only affect long-term and physical health of a child, it will also affect the development of social relationships and skills as well. Since walking is a main activity in children to be able to participate in daily life, our previous study (financially supported by SIA Raak Publiek) focussed on gait differences between children with clubfoot and controls. However, differences in gait characteristics do not necessarily lead to functional limitations and restricted participation. Therefore, providing insight in participation and a child’s performance in other activities than walking is necessary. Insight in a child’s participation will also indicate the functional outcome of the treatment, which on its turn could provide essential information concerning a possible relapse.. Early identification of a relapse is important since it could prevent the need for major surgical interventions. The occurrence of a relapse clubfoot will probably also lead to functional differences in the foot as well as problems during activity and participation. Therefore, the main focus of this study is the functional outcomes of physical activities and the characterisation of participation of children with clubfeet in daily activities of childhood.