Background: The shift in healthcare to extramural leads to more patients with complex health problems receiving nursing care at home. However, the interest of baccalaureate nursing students for community nursing is moderate, which contributes to widespread labour-market shortages. This study investigates the effect of a more ‘communitycare-oriented’ curriculum on nursing students’ perceptions of community care. Methods: A quasi-experimental quantitative survey study with a historic control group (n = 477; study cohorts graduating in 2015, 2016, and 2017; response rate 90%) and an intervention group (n = 170; graduating in 2018; response rate 93%) was performed in nursing students of a University of Applied Sciences in a large city in the Netherlands. The intervention group underwent a new curriculum containing extended elements of community care. The primary outcome was assessed with the Scale on Community Care Perceptions (SCOPE). The control and intervention group were compared on demographics, placement preferences and perceptions with a chi-square or T-test. Multiple regression was used to investigate the effect of the curriculum-redesign on nursing students’ perceptions of community care.Results: The comparison between the control and intervention group on students’ perceptions of community care shows no significant differences (mean 6.18 vs 6.21 [range 1–10], respectively), nor does the curriculum-redesign have a positive effect on students’ perceptions F (1,635) = .021, p = .884, R2 = < .001. The comparison on placement preferences also shows no significant differences and confirms the hospital’s popularity (72.7% vs 76.5%, respectively) while community care is less often preferred (9.2% vs 8.2%, respectively). The demographics ‘working in community care’ and ‘belonging to a church/religious group’ appear to be significant predictors of more positive perceptions of community care. Conclusions: Graduating students who experienced a more ‘community-care-oriented’ curriculum did not more often prefer community care placement, nor did their perceptions of community care change. Apparently, four years of education and placement experiences have only little impact and students’ perceptions are relatively static. It would be worth a try to conduct a large-scale approach in combination with a carefully thought out strategy, based on and tying in with the language and culture of younger people. Keywords: Community care, Nurse education, Curriculum design, Perceptions, Career choice
Background: The substitution of healthcare is a way to control rising healthcare costs. The Primary Care Plus (PC+) intervention of the Dutch ‘Blue Care’ pioneer site aims to achieve this feat by facilitating consultations with medical specialists in the primary care setting. One of the specialties involved is dermatology. This study explores referral decisions following dermatology care in PC+ and the influence of predictive patient and consultation characteristics on this decision. Methods: This retrospective study used clinical data of patients who received dermatology care in PC+ between January 2015 and March 2017. The referral decision following PC+, (i.e., referral back to the general practitioner (GP) or referral to outpatient hospital care) was the primary outcome. Stepwise logistic regression modelling was used to describe variations in the referral decisions following PC+, with patient age and gender, number of PC+ consultations, patient diagnosis and treatment specialist as the predicting factors. Results: A total of 2952 patients visited PC+ for dermatology care. Of those patients with a registered referral, 80.2% (N = 2254) were referred back to the GP, and 19.8% (N = 558) were referred to outpatient hospital care. In the multivariable model, only the treating specialist and patient’s diagnosis independently influenced the referral decisions following PC+. Conclusion: The aim of PC+ is to reduce the number of referrals to outpatient hospital care. According to the results, the treating specialist and patient diagnosis influence referral decisions. Therefore, the results of this study can be used to discuss and improve specialist and patient profiles for PC+ to further optimise the effectiveness of the initiative.
This project studies whether a redesigned baccalaureate nursing curriculum in a University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands can stimulate positive interest for the field of community care. In many Western countries, healthcare is changing from institutional care delivery to caring for patients in their own homes. Problematic is that most nursing students orientate on a career in the hospital and they do not see community care as an attractive option, due to a limited and often mistaken view of the field. Their career choices lead to increasing shortages in the labour market, which in many Western countries is a societal problem urgently needing attention. Providing students with a curriculum with more elements of community nursing could help them build a more positive perception of the field, leading to more students choosing this area as a career.The curriculum-redesign was based on quantitative and qualitative research about first-year students’ perceptions, placement preferences and underlying assumptions on the field. First, a cross-sectional multicentre survey study (n = 1058) was conducted using the SCOPE (Scale on COmmunity care PErceptions) questionnaire. The findings confirm the hospital’s popularity, with community care being perceived as a ‘low-status-field’ with many elderly patients and few challenges. Students’ perceptions of community care appear to be at odds with things they consider important for their placement (i.e., opportunities for advancement and enjoyable relationships with patients).To better understand the factors underlying the perceptions, a focus group study with first-year students at the start of their programme (n = 16) was performed.This led to formulation of eight redesign themes, namely:(1) variety and diversity,(2) challenges,(3) improving people's health,(4) collaboration,(5) role models,(6) patient- or environment-based perceptions,(7) self-efficacy, and(8) immediate vicinity.First-year students have clear ideas about what they see as important in a placement, but their perceptions do not always appear to be realistic.To remedy these misperceptions, recommendations for curriculum redesign strategies were formulated. Curriculum designers can more prominently highlight the complexity of community nursing in the theory part of the curriculum. As many students strive for challenges, in-depth knowledge about community nursing can be presented about aspects that students lacking experience in the field are not aware of (e.g., working in an interprofessional network). In the courses, patient cases can be presented that do not fit the stereotypical views of community care commonly held. Also, as role models are influential, it is important that students collaborate with mentors in the field with an appropriate level of education, who can act as a source of inspiration, but who also create a structured and supporting learning environment. Finally, it is useful to organise meetings where political developments and labour market issues in healthcare are discussed. This can potentially increase awareness of these topics and contribute to well-informed career decisions. These strategies can potentially foster a more optimistic and realistic career outlook on the community care field.
Samenvatting Mensen met een beperking (psychiatrisch, verstandelijk, lichamelijk) wonen tegenwoordig vaker zelfstandig en doen voor hun ondersteuning daarom vaker een beroep op mensen in de buurt waar zij wonen. Dit betekent voor de professionele hulpverleners dat zij een steeds grotere taak krijgen in het versterken van het sociale netwerk van mensen met een beperking, en het (op deze wijze) bevorderen van inclusie in de buurt. In hun werk merken zorg- en welzijnsprofessionals op dat, soms relatief spontaan ingezette of kleine initiatieven succesvol kunnen zijn, maar soms ook niet. De professionals hebben wel ideeën over wat goed werkt en wat niet, maar dit is niet op één centrale plek vastgelegd, en daarbij soms onduidelijk en afhankelijk van de context. Zij vragen zich af hoe ze de informatie die ze elk hebben kunnen bundelen en tot meer inzicht kunnen komen in wat werkt, in welke situatie en in welke context. In het project wordt samengewerkt door de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (AKMI / Lectoraat Community Care), de Sociaal Werkopleidingen van de HvA, de Afdeling onderwijs, jeugd en zorg van de Gemeente Amsterdam, GGD Amsterdam, Cliëntenbelang Amsterdam, Centrum voor Cliëntervaringen (i.s.m. VuMcAmsterdam), De Regenbooggroep, Cordaan en Stichting Prisma. In dit onderzoek zullen drie verschillende buurtgerichte interventies worden getoetst aan de hand van de ‘what works’ principes (wwp). De interventies gericht op het bevorderen van de sociale inclusie van mensen met beperkingen in de buurt worden geëvalueerd door cliënten/ ervaringsdeskundigen, zorg- en welzijnsprofessionals en buurtbewoners. Voor dit onderzoek is gekozen voor ‘realis evaluation’, waarin niet het effect op zich wordt onderzocht, maar de werkzame elementen van een interventie. Belangrijke opbrengsten van het project zijn: 1) het determineren en beschrijven van werkzame elementen die leidend kunnen zijn voor het bedenken en/of beoordelen van initiatieven om de netwerken van mensen met een beperking in de buurt te versterken; 2) op basis daarvan een handreiking bieden voor professionals.
Dutch society faces major future challenges putting populations’ health and wellbeing at risk. An ageing population, increase of chronic diseases, multimorbidity and loneliness lead to more complex healthcare demands and needs and costs are increasing rapidly. Urban areas like Amsterdam have to meet specific challenges of a growing and super divers population often with a migration background. The bachelor programs and the relating research groups of social work and occupational therapy at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences innovate their curricula and practice-oriented research by multidisciplinary and cross-domain approaches. Their Centres of Expertise foster interprofessional research and educational innovation on the topics of healthy ageing, participation, daily occupations, positive health, proximity, community connectedness and urban innovation in a social context. By focusing on senior citizens’ lives and by organizing care in peoples own living environment. Together with their networks, this project aims to develop an innovative health promotion program and contribute to the government missions to promote a healthy and inclusive society. Collaboration with stakeholders in practice based on their urgent needs has priority in the context of increasing responsibilities of local governments and communities. Moreover, the government has recently defined social base as being the combination of citizen initiatives, volunteer organizations , caregivers support, professional organizations and support of vulnerable groups. Kraktie Foundations is a community based ethno-cultural organization in south east Amsterdam that seeks to research and expand their informal services to connect with and build with professional care organizations. Their aim coincides with this project proposal: promoting health and wellbeing of senior citizens by combining intervention, participatory research and educational perspectives from social work, occupational therapy and hidden voluntary social work. With a boundary crossing innovation of participatory health research, education and Kraktie’s work in the community we co-create, change and innovate towards sustainable interventions with impact.
DE MIDDENMANAGER EN ZIJN ZORGLOGISTIEKE PROBLEMEN VOOR PATIËNTEN MET EEN LAGE SES IN HET ZIEKENHUIS IN DE PERIODE VAN EEN CRISISSITUATIE RONDOM HET UITBREKEN VAN EEN PANDEMIE (COVID-19 VIRUS) Dit postdoc onderzoek richt zich op de zorglogistieke problemen van middenmanagers in ziekenhuizen na het uitbreken van een pandemie, bijvoorbeeld de COVID-19, de gevolgen binnen de zorg voor patiënten met een lage SES en mogelijke verbeteringen door middenmanagers voorgesteld en reeds ingevoerd. De coronacrisis treft lager opgeleiden harder, ondermeer vanwege onvoldoende digitale vaardigheden. Pandemieën zullen vaker voorkomen en oplossingen voor zorglogistieke problemen bij de COVID-19-uitbraak zullen wellicht ook in andere situaties met pandemieën van toepassing zijn. Maatregelen voor lager opgeleiden met weinig digitale vaardigheden zullen ook in andere situaties bruikbaar zijn. Zorglogistiek heeft als doel om de juiste zorg op de juiste plaats en tijd en tegen zo laag mogelijke kosten te leveren. Middenmanagers, nog veelal intern gericht, hebben een positie tussen uitvoerenden en Raad van bestuur. Er worden 15-20 semigestructureerde interviews uitgevoerd met middenmanagers in ziekenhuizen. Een verbeteroplossing wordt ontwikkeld in een experiment binnen de learning community in het CWZ-ziekenhuis in Nijmegen. De resultaten zijn een onderzoeksrapport, een artikel, inhoudelijk materiaal voor het onderwijs en de uitkomsten van een experiment. Het onderzoek past binnen de programmalijn Healthcare Logistic van het lectoraat Logistiek & Allianties van de HAN en het thema Duurzaam transport en intelligente logistiek van de Strategische onderzoeksagenda hbo 2016-2020 van de Vereniging Hogescholen. Het sluit aan bij het Zwaartepunt Health en lage SES van de HAN, specifiek bij de Programmalijn Werken aan herstel. De postdoc is werkzaam in de bachelor- en masteropleidingen in de domeinen bedrijfskunde en zorg en welzijn. De postdoc kan de verbinding leggen tussen de logistieke kennis en vaardigheden uit bedrijven naar de zorglogistiek in bachelor en masteropleidingen in de zorg en welzijn.