Design of a Remote Coaching Program to Bridge the Gap From Hospital Discharge to Cardiac Rehabilitation: Intervention Mapping Study
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Career Writing and the Tale of Two Sisters
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Blended home-based exercise and dietary protein in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial
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How do runners experience personalization of their training scheme
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An online education program for students sports studies on e-health to optimize lifestyle coaching.
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Increasing physical activity in older adults with a tablet and e-coaching
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Technologie en gedragsverandering bij ouderen
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Stimulating teachers' professional development using video feedback with reciprocal peer coaching
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Integrated product development and experience of communication in education
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Creëer een positieve talentspiraal: Innovatieve handvaten voor het werken met kinderen met autisme spectrum stoornis in de klas
Gezond Verder - Ondersteuning bij gedragsverandering naar een blijvend gezondere leefstijl
iTLC: inzet Technologie voor Leefstijl Coaches