Knowledge of the time of deposition is pivotal in forensic investigations. Recent studies show that changes in intrinsic fluorescence over time can be used to estimate the age of body fluids. These changes have been attributed to oxidative modifications caused by protein–lipid interactions. This pilot study aims to explore the impact of these modifications on body fluid fluorescence, enhancing the protein–lipid model system for age estimation. Lipid and protein oxidation markers, including protein carbonyls, dityrosine, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), malondialdehyde (MDA), and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), were studied in aging semen, urine, and saliva over 21 days. Surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and fluorescence spectroscopy were applied. Successful detection of AGE, dityrosine, MDA, and HNE occurred in semen and saliva via SPRi, while only dityrosine was detected in urine. Protein carbonyls were measured in all body fluids, but only in saliva was a significant increase observed over time. Additionally, protein fluorescence loss and fluorescent oxidation product formation were assessed, showing significant decreases in semen and saliva, but not in urine. Although optimization is needed for accurate quantification, this study reveals detectable markers for protein and lipid oxidation in aging body fluids, warranting further investigation.
Grote parkeergarages zijn vaak onderwerp van CFD-simulaties (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Vanwege het overschrijden van de toegestane brandcompartimentsgrootte wordt in die situaties brandventilatie vaak als gelijkwaardige brandbeheersing toegepast. Die brandventilatie wordt vervolgens gedimensioneerd op basis van CFD-simulaties. CFD houdt in dat in een computermodel lucht- en rookstromingen worden gesimuleerd. Het ruimtevolume van de parkeergarage wordt daarbij in kleine volume-elementjes opgedeeld, waardoor een rekengrid ontstaat. Voor elk volumeelementje worden de stromingsvergelijkingen, rekening houdend met de behoudswetten van massa, energie, impuls en impulsmoment, per tijdstapje opgelost.
Already for some decades lateral flow assays (LFAs) are ‘common use’ devices in our daily life. Also, for forensic use LFAs are developed, such as for the analysis of illicit drugs and DNA, but also for the detection of explosives and body fluid identification. Despite their advantages, including ease-of-use, LFAs are not yet frequently applied at a crime scene. This review describes (academic) developments of LFAs for forensic applications, focusing on biological and chemical applications, whereby the main advantages and disadvantages of LFAs for the different forensic applications are summarized. Additionally, a critical review is provided, discussing why LFAs are not frequently applied within the forensic field and highlighting the steps that are needed to bring LFAs to the forensic market.
Organs-on-chips (OoCs) worden steeds belangrijker voor geneesmiddelonderzoek. Het kweken van miniatuurorganen in microfluïdische chips creëert een systeem waarmee geneesmiddelonderzoekers efficiënt geneesmiddelen kunnen testen. OoCs kunnen in de toekomst een belangrijk instrument voor personalized medicine worden: door het kweken van patiëntmateriaal in OoCs kan dan worden bepaald welke interventies voor specifieke patiënten werken en veilig zijn. In de huidige praktijk worden cellulaire veranderingen in OoCs na blootstelling aan een geneesmiddel doorgaans gevolgd met visualisatietechnieken, waarmee alleen effecten van geneesmiddelen kunnen worden waargenomen. Voor bepaling van de voor geneesmiddelonderzoek cruciale parameters absorptie, distributie, metabolisme en excretie (ADME) is het noodzakelijk om de concentraties van geneesmiddelen en hun relevante metabolieten te meten. Het doel van AC/OC is dit mogelijk te maken door het ontwikkelen van analytisch-chemische technieken, gebaseerd op vloeistofchromatografie gekoppeld met massaspectrometrie (LC-MS). Hiermee kunnen ontwikkelaars van OoCs (de eindgebruikers van AC/OC) de voordelen van hun producten voor geneesmiddelonderzoek beter onderbouwen. Dit project bouwt voort op twee KIEM-projecten, waarin enkele veelbelovende analytisch-chemische technieken succesvol zijn verkend. In AC/OC zullen wij: 1. analytisch-chemische methodes ontwikkelen die geschikt zijn om een breed scala aan geneesmiddelen en metabolieten te bepalen in meerdere types OoCs; 2. deze methodes verbeteren, zodat de analyse geautomatiseerd, sneller en gevoeliger wordt; 3. de potentie van deze methodes voor geneesmiddelonderzoek met OoCs demonsteren door ze toe te passen op enkele praktijkvraagstukken. Het OoC-veld ontwikkelt zich razendsnel en Nederland (georganiseerd binnen OoC-consortium hDMT) speelt daarin een belangrijke rol. AC/OC verbindt kennis en expertise op het gebied van analytische chemie, OoCs, celkweek en geneesmiddelonderzoek. Hierdoor kan AC/OC een bijdrage leveren aan sneller en betrouwbaarder geneesmiddelonderzoek. Met de ontwikkeling van een minor ‘OoC-Technology’, waarin we de onderzoeksresultaten vertalen naar onderwijs, spelen we in op de behoefte aan professionals met kennis, ervaring en belangstelling op het gebied van OoCs.
Climate change is one of the most critical global challenges nowadays. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration brought by anthropogenic emissions has been recognized as the primary driver of global warming. Therefore, currently, there is a strong demand within the chemical and chemical technology industry for systems that can covert, capture and reuse/recover CO2. Few examples can be seen in the literature: Hamelers et al (2013) presented systems that can use CO2 aqueous solutions to produce energy using electrochemical cells with porous electrodes; Legrand et al (2018) has proven that CDI can be used to capture CO2 without solvents; Shu et al (2020) have used electrochemical systems to desorb (recover) CO2 from an alkaline absorbent with low energy demand. Even though many efforts have been done, there is still demand for efficient and market-ready systems, especially related to solvent-free CO2 capturing systems. This project intends to assess a relatively efficient technology, with low-energy costs which can change the CO2 capturing market. This technology is called whorlpipe. The whorlpipe, developed by Viktor Schauberger, has shown already promising results in reducing the energy and CO2 emissions for water pumping. Recently, studies conducted by Wetsus and NHL Stenden (under submission), in combination with different companies (also members in this proposal) have shown that vortices like systems, like the Schauberger funnel, and thus “whorlpipe”, can be fluid dynamically represented using Taylor-Couette flows. This means that such systems have a strong tendency to form vortices like fluid-patterns close to their air-water interface. Such flow system drastically increase advection. Combined with their higher area to volume ratio, which increases diffusion, these systems can greatly enhance gas capturing (in liquids), and are, thus, a unique opportunity for CO2 uptake from the air, i.e. competing with systems like conventional scrubbers or bubble-based aeration.
Fashion has become inextricably linked with digital culture. Digital media have opened up new spaces of fashion consumption that are unprecedented in their levels of ubiquity, immersion, fluidity, and interactivity. The virtual realm continuously needs us to design and communicate our identity online. Unfortunately, the current landscape of digitised fashion practices seems to lack the type of self-governing attitude and urgency that is needed to move beyond commercially mandated platforms and systems that effectively diminish our digital agency. As transformative power seems to be the promise of the virtual, there is an inherent need to critically assess how digital representation of fashion manifests online, especially when these representations become key mediators within our collective and individual public construction of self. A number of collectives and practitioners that actively shape a counter movement, organized bottom up rather than through capital, are questioning this interdependence, applying inverted thinking and experimenting with alternative modes of engagement. Starting from the research question ‘How can critical fashion practitioners introduce and amplify digital agency within fashion’s virtual landscape through new strategies of aesthetic engagement?’, this project investigates the implications of fashion’s increasing shift towards the virtual realm and the ramifications created for digital agency. It centers on how identity is understood in the digital era, whether subjects have full agency while expected to construct multiple selves, and how online environments that enact as playgrounds for our identities might attribute to a distorted sense of self. By using the field of critical fashion as its site, and the rapidly expanding frontier of digital counter practices as a lens, the aim of this project is to contribute to larger changes within an increasingly global and digital society, such as new modes of consumerism, capital and cultural value.