Differentiating instruction: Understanding the key elements for successful teacher preparation and development
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Effects of supplemental instruction on grades, mental well-being, and belonging: A field experiment
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Instructions for Administering the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure with Children Themselves
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The perception of teachers on usability and accessibility of programming materials for children with visual impairments
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Practical solution or missed opportunity? The impact of language of instruction on Dutch history teachers’ application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
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The effects of instructional focus and task type on pre-vocational learners’ ability in EFL oral interaction
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Investigating Dutch teachers’ beliefs on working with linguistic metaconcepts to improve students' L1 grammatical understanding
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Oral Interaction in the EFL Classroom: The Effects of Instructional Focus and Task Type on Learner Affect
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Self-management of instruction cues for promoting independent daily activities