Victim-offender contact has been studied extensively in prisons, but research on contact between victims and mentally disordered offenders in forensic mental health settings is lacking. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted on contact between victims and offenders in four Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals. These offenders have committed serious (sexually) violent offenses, for which they could not be held fully responsible due to severe psychopathology. During the mandatory treatment, it is possible for offenders and their victims to engage in contact with each other if both parties agree to this. To explore the conditions under which this contact is suitable, we interviewed 35 social workers about their experiences in 57 cases from four Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals. Findings demonstrated that, according to the social workers, no type of offense or psychopathology were obvious exclusion criteria for victim-offender contact. Social workers described offenders' problem awareness, stable psychiatric condition, and ability to keep to agreements as important factors that enable victim-offender contact. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.
Forensic reports use various types of conclusions, such as a categorical (CAT) conclusion or a likelihood ratio (LR). In order to correctly assess the evidence, users of forensic reports need to understand the conclusion and its evidential strength. The aim of this paper is to study the interpretation of the evidential strength of forensic conclusions by criminal justice professionals. In an online questionnaire 269 professionals assessed 768 reports on fingerprint examination and answered questions that measured self-proclaimed and actual understanding of the reports and conclusions. The reports entailed CAT, verbal LR and numerical LR conclusions with low or high evidential strength and were assessed by crime scene investigators, police detectives, public prosecutors, criminal lawyers, and judges. The results show that about a quarter of all questions measuring actual understanding of the reports were answered incorrectly. The CAT conclusion was best understood for the weak conclusions, the three strong conclusions were all assessed similarly. The weak CAT conclusion correctly emphasizes the uncertainty of any conclusion type used. However, most participants underestimated the strength of this weak CAT conclusion compared to the other weak conclusion types. Looking at the self-proclaimed understanding of all professionals, they in general overestimated their actual understanding of all conclusion types.
"Background: Victimization is highly prevalent in individuals with mild intellectual disability (MID) or borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) and is an important risk factor for mental health problems and violent behavior. Not much is known, however, about victimization history in women with MID-BIF admitted to forensic mental health care. Aims: The aim of this multicenter study is to gain insight into victimization histories and mental health problems of female forensic psychiatric patients with MID-BIF. Methods: File data were analyzed of 126 women with MID-BIF who have been admitted to one of five Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals between 1990 and 2014 and compared to data of 76 female patients with average or above intellectual functioning and to a matched sample of 31 male patients with MID-BIF. Results: All forensic paients had high rates of victimization, but women with MID-BIF showed an even higher prevalence of victimization during both childhood and adulthood and more complex psychopathology compared to female patients without MID-BIF. Compared to male forensic patients with MID-BIF, women with MID-BIF were more often victim of sexual abuse during childhood. During adulthood, the victimization rate in these women was more than three times higher than in men. Conclusions: Victimization is a salient factor in female forensic patients with MID-BIF and more gender-responsive trauma-focused treatment is needed."
Dit lectorenplatform richt zich specifiek op vakoverstijgend onderwijs op het snijvlak van kunst, wetenschap en technologie. Deelnemers aan het lectorenplatform beschouwen de opbloeiende, interdisciplinaire praktijken van wetenschappers en kunstenaars als een inspiratiebron voor de vernieuwing van het funderend en hoger onderwijs. Om deze vernieuwing te realiseren moeten vanuit verschillende vakgebieden hands-on-ervaringen en onderzoekservaringen gecombineerd worden. Hierdoor komen leerlingen en studenten vanuit verschillende kennisdomeinen in samenwerking tot nieuwe manieren van leren en probleemoplossen. De ambitie van dit platform is om praktijkbeoefenaars, wetenschappers en docenten uit verschillende sectoren en disciplines bijeen te brengen. De NWA-route ‘Kunst: onderzoek en innovatie in de 21ste eeuw’ roept nadrukkelijk op tot investering in dergelijke platformen: “Het primair vernieuwende in deze route is dat partijen uit het kunstendomein: kunstenaars en ontwerpers, de sociale, geestes‐ en natuurwetenschappen, het kunstvakonderwijs, culturele bedrijven en de creatieve industrie zich met elkaar verbinden en inzetten op een gezamenlijke onderzoeksagenda. [...]" (Borgdorff, et al., 2016, p. 3). In het lectorenplatform staat niet alleen vakintegratie centraal, maar draait het ook om een actualisering van de leerinhouden van de kunst- en bètavakken: kunst kan heel analytisch zijn en bèta creatief, en kunst en bèta kunnen elkaar in onderlinge interactie versterken. Het lectorenplatform wil dus ook bestaande ideeën en beeldvorming rond kunsteducatie en wetenschap-/techniekonderwijs ter discussie stellen, en daarmee een impuls geven aan curriculumvernieuwing: van funderend tot beroepsonderwijs. Om onderzoek naar onderwijs op het snijvlak van kunst, wetenschap en technologie te bevorderen en binnen verschillende sectoren dit onderzoek op de agenda te zetten, richt het platform zich op drie themalijnen die aan de basis van de onderzoeksagenda staan: (1) professionele kunst- en ontwerppraktijken, (2) funderend onderwijs en (3) beroepsonderwijs. De themalijnen vormen de leidraad voor te initiëren onderzoek en activiteiten als het opzetten van een thematische online database met good practices en de organisatie van designathons waarin deelnemers uit verschillende disciplines de interdisciplinaire praktijk actief beleven.