Whereas blended learning can deliver several benefits to students in highereducation, their achievement depends on how exactly it is designed. A participatorydesign is recommendable to try to meet the needs of all stakeholders. ThePersuasive System Design-model can be used to motivate students during theonline part of the course. In the design there has to be an optimal blend betweenthe different parts of the course. A participatory design is used to design ablended learning course of autobiographical reflection for second year socialwork students. The blended course was developed in six meetings with aworking group, including all stakeholders (students, teachers, instructional designers,educational experts and professionals). Almost all techniques of the firstthree categories of the PSD-model were used in the design of the blended course.None of the techniques of the fourth category ‘Social Support’ of the PSD-modelwere used, mostly because they touch on the personal process of autobiographicalreflection. It was considered helpful for teachers to have a protocol thatassists them in blending the different parts and this in turn could stimulatestudents to be engaged in the different parts of the blended learning course. Inthis study, we found that the participatory design approach may lead to anengaging blended learning course that encourages the use of persuasive technologywith an optimal focus on content, target group, context and ethical aspectsof the blended course. We suggest adding a new fifth category ‘Blended LearningSupport’.What do you want to do ?New mail
Robots are increasingly used in a variety of work environments, but surprisingly little attention has been paid to how robots change work. In this comparative case study, we explore how robotization changed the work design of order pickers and order packers in eight logistic warehouses. We found that all warehouses robotized tasks based on technological functionality to increase efficiency, which sometimes created jobs consisting of ‘left-over tasks’. Only two warehouses used a bottom-up approach, where employees were involved in the implementation and quality of work was considered important. Although the other warehouses did not, sometimes their work design still benefitted from robotization. The positive effects we identified are reduced physical and cognitive demands and opportunities for upskilling. Warehouses that lack attention to the quality of work may risk ending up with the negative effects for employees, such as simplification and intensification of work, and reduced autonomy. We propose that understanding the consequences of robots on work design supports HR professionals to help managing this transition by both giving relevant input on a strategic level about the importance of work design and advocating for employees and their involvement.
Dissertatie met als onderwerp het ontwerp en evaluatie van de Hogere Beroepsopleidding Orthopedische Technologie in Nederland. In deze dissertatie wordt naast het ontwerp van de opleiding ingegaan op een vergelijking die is gemaakt met andere opleidingen op het gebied van hoger orthopedisch technologisch onderwijs in de wereld.
Currently, many novel innovative materials and manufacturing methods are developed in order to help businesses for improving their performance, developing new products, and also implement more sustainability into their current processes. For this purpose, additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been very successful in the fabrication of complex shape products, that cannot be manufactured by conventional approaches, and also using novel high-performance materials with more sustainable aspects. The application of bioplastics and biopolymers is growing fast in the 3D printing industry. Since they are good alternatives to petrochemical products that have negative impacts on environments, therefore, many research studies have been exploring and developing new biopolymers and 3D printing techniques for the fabrication of fully biobased products. In particular, 3D printing of smart biopolymers has attracted much attention due to the specific functionalities of the fabricated products. They have a unique ability to recover their original shape from a significant plastic deformation when a particular stimulus, like temperature, is applied. Therefore, the application of smart biopolymers in the 3D printing process gives an additional dimension (time) to this technology, called four-dimensional (4D) printing, and it highlights the promise for further development of 4D printing in the design and fabrication of smart structures and products. This performance in combination with specific complex designs, such as sandwich structures, allows the production of for example impact-resistant, stress-absorber panels, lightweight products for sporting goods, automotive, or many other applications. In this study, an experimental approach will be applied to fabricate a suitable biopolymer with a shape memory behavior and also investigate the impact of design and operational parameters on the functionality of 4D printed sandwich structures, especially, stress absorption rate and shape recovery behavior.
Sociale isolatie wordt gerelateerd aan sterfterisico’s van roken, overgewicht en te hoge bloeddruk en zorgt voor een verhoogde kans op institutionalisering. Door de dubbele vergrijzing en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen groeit de groep zelfstandig wonende senioren én de druk op de ouderenzorg in Nederland snel. Deze groep senioren heeft, naast een grote kans op één of meerdere chronische aandoeningen, grotere kans op eenzaamheid en sociale isolatie. De huidige coronapandemie vergroot deze sociale kwetsbaarheid. Echter, juist voor deze groep is een informeel netwerk en nabijheid van contacten cruciaal om langer zelfstandig thuis te kunnen wonen. Een lichte vorm van ‘gemeenschap’ en sociale interactie in de buurt is een voorwaarde voor het ontstaan van informele netwerken. Een semipublieke ruimte in de vorm van een dynamische ‘fourth place’, kan deze sociale interactie tussen buurtbewoners, waaronder kwetsbare ouderen, stimuleren en faciliteren. In ‘The Art of Connection’ fungeert de buitenruimte rond CPO Cohousing, gericht op meergeneratiewonen in de vergrijzende wijk Coehoorn te Arnhem, als ‘living lab’. Aansluitend bij de waarden van deze slimme, creatieve wijk, staat de volgende onderzoeksvraag staat centraal: Op welke manier kan een interactieve buitenruimte bijdragen aan het bevorderen van sociale interactie tussen bewoners, waaronder kwetsbare ouderen, in de wijk Coehoorn? In co-creatie met gebruikers en stakeholders wordt, in een iteratief proces, een prototype van een interactieve buitenruimte ontwikkeld. Deze wordt in een pilot geëvalueerd met behulp van big data, gecombineerd met observaties, interviews en expertmeetings. De beoogde resultaten leveren een bijdrage aan extramuralisering van kwetsbare ouderen door het bevorderen van sociale interactie tussen bewoners, en daarmee het versterken van een informele (zorg)netwerken. Door actieve betrokkenheid van buurtbewoners en andere (lokale) stakeholders, gedurende het hele proces, wordt een learning community gevormd, hetgeen de kans op een geslaagde interventie vergroot.