Automatic categorization of self-acknowledged limitations in randomized controlled trial publications
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The application of natural language processing for the extraction of mechanistic information in toxicology
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Inclusive STEM teaching from a language perspective
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Enhancing target language output through synchronous online learner-learner interaction
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Natural language processing in toxicology: Delineating adverse outcome pathways and guiding the application of new approach methodologies
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Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Barriers, Facilitators, and Needs
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Learning to use space: A study into the SL2 acquisition process of adult learners of Sign Language of the Netherlands
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Empathy matters: ERP evidence for inter-individual differences in social language processing.
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Switching modalities in a sentence verification task : ERP evidence for embodied language processing
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Automatische nieuwsredactie
Data mining for MRO process optimization
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