Research topic/aim The professional development of teacher educators (T Eds) is increasingly being recognised as a topic of paramount importance, partly caused by the attention for the lifelong learning of those responsible for teaching student teachers. In this presentation we focus on the professional development T Eds with regard to their role as second order practitioner (Murray and Male, 2005). Many T Eds identify themselves as a teacher in higher education and they lack attention for their specific role of being a teacher of teachers. In the project we investigated the possibilities of encouraging T Eds to focus on this role, by altering the procedure in which T Eds and their team-manager set development agreements. Theoretical and methodology framework Teacher Educators have specific roles and tasks (Lunenberg et al, 2012) and they need special skills to fulfil these roles. In the Netherlands, the Dutch Association of Teacher Educators has developed a professional standard, in which the skills for an average experienced teacher educator are described. In our project the professional standard served as a tool in the development agreement procedure for T Eds. In total 16 T Eds from 5 teams participated. In their preparation for the conversation with their team manager, T Eds studied this professional standard and used this to write down their strengths and development possibilities. After that, they entered the conversation with their team manager and came to development agreements. To study the effect of this new procedure, T Eds (two group interviews) and team managers were interviewed (one group interview) about their opinion on the preparation phase and the conversation itself. Results and conclusions Findings appear threefold. First, T Eds appreciate the use of the professional standard in the preparation. It helps them to focus on their role as teacher of teachers. Second, both team managers and T Eds mention that they now have 'words' to talk about the profession. Third, Teds and team managers both hold the opinion that the conversation itself is more thorough than it used to be before. Relevance to European educational research Our findings contribute to the body of knowledge around professional development activities for teacher educators, especially with regards to their role as second order practitioner or 'teacher of teachers' .
professional development through informal learning In planning professional development for teachers or teacher educators, very often a formal course or training is offered. There is a lack of attention for the fact that a lot of professional development takes place at work through so-called workplace-learning (Eraut, 2004;Tynjälä & Heikkinen, 2011, Tynjälä, 2008). Raising the awareness of one's professional development through workplace learning might help to intertwine professional development with the performance of tasks. Professional development than becomes part of the job instead of an extra -workload increasing- task outside the job. In our research group, we are studying ways to raise awareness for informal learning. In this workshop we focus on a method that we designed, consisting of a learning report and an analysis tool. The workshop consist of three parts. We start the session with a short presentation of our study and the findings (15 minutes). After that, the participants of the workshop will work with the tools we have developed in our study to raise the awareness for informal learning (20 minutes). The results will then be discussed according to two questions: (1) what is your opinion on the analysis-tool; (2) what is your opinion on the use of this tool for raising awareness for informal learning on a personal and institutional level (20 minutes).
Due to fast and unpredictable developments, professional education is challenged with being responsive, which demands a rethinking of conventional curriculum development approaches. Yet, literature on curriculum development falls short in terms of recognising how to react rapidly and adequately to these new developments. This study focuses on curriculum development initiatives at the school level in a Dutch university of applied sciences. Open interviews were held with 29 curriculum developers to explore how they define and give substance to developing curricula for new, changing or unpredictable professions. These 29 participants were involved in seven curriculum development trajectories. Four themes were detected: (1) curriculum developers are in favour of open, flexible and authentic curricula; (2) the context in which the curriculum development takes place and the different roles and responsibilities of curriculum developers are challenging; (3) curriculum developers feel insufficiently equipped to carry out their tasks; and (4) involving stakeholders is necessary but results in a “viscous” social–political process. Responsive curriculum development requires a great deal of flexibility and adaptability from curriculum developers. Yet, in our study, “institutional concrete” is found to severely hinder responsive curriculum development processes. To be responsive, such processes need to be supported and institutional barriers need to be removed.
De inzet van blended care in de zorg neemt toe. Hierbij wordt fysieke begeleiding (face-to-face) met persoonlijke aandacht door een zorgprofessional afgewisseld met digitale zorg in de vorm van een platform of mobiele applicatie (eHealth). De digitale zorg versterkt de mogelijkheden van cliënten om in hun eigen omgeving te werken aan gezondheidsdoelen en handvatten tijdens de face-to-face momenten. Een specifieke groep die baat kan hebben bij blended care zijn ouderen die na revalidatie in de geriatrische revalidatiezorg (GRZ) thuis verder revalideren. Focus op zowel bewegen (door fysio- en oefentherapeut) en voedingsgedrag (door diëtist) is hierbij essentieel. Echter, na een intensieve zorgperiode tijdens hun opname wordt revalidatie veelal thuis afgeschaald en overgenomen door een ambulant begeleidingstraject of de eerste lijn. Een groot gedeelte van de ouderen ervaart een terugval in fysiek functioneren en zelfredzaamheid bij thuiskomt en heeft baat bij intensieve zorg omtrent voeding en beweging. Een blended interventie die gezond beweeg- en voedingsgedrag combineert biedt kansen. Hierbij is maatwerk voor deze kwetsbare ouderen vereist. Ambulante en eerste lijn diëtisten, fysio- en oefentherapeuten erkennen de meerwaarde van blended care maar missen handvatten en kennis over hoe blended-care ingezet kan worden bij kwetsbare ouderen. Het doel van het huidige project is ouderen én hun behandelaren te ondersteunen bij het optimaliseren van fysiek functioneren in de thuissituatie, door een blended voeding- en beweegprogramma te ontwikkelen en te testen in de praktijk. Ouderen, professionals en ICT-professionals worden betrokken in verschillende co-creatie sessies om gebruikersbehoefte, acceptatie en technische eisen te verkennen als mede inhoudelijke eisen zoals verhouding face-to-face en online. In samenspraak met gebruikers wordt de blended BITE-IT interventie ontwikkeld op basis van een bestaand platform, waarbij ook gekeken wordt naar het gebruik van bestaande en succesvolle applicaties. De BITE-IT interventie wordt uitgebreid getoetst op haalbaarheid en eerste effectiviteit in de praktijk.
Students in Higher Music Education (HME) are not facilitated to develop both their artistic and academic musical competences. Conservatoires (professional education, or ‘HBO’) traditionally foster the development of musical craftsmanship, while university musicology departments (academic education, or ‘WO’) promote broader perspectives on music’s place in society. All the while, music professionals are increasingly required to combine musical and scholarly knowledge. Indeed, musicianship is more than performance, and musicology more than reflection—a robust musical practice requires people who are versed in both domains. It’s time our education mirrors this blended profession. This proposal entails collaborative projects between a conservatory and a university in two cities where musical performance and musicology equally thrive: Amsterdam (Conservatory and University of Amsterdam) and Utrecht (HKU Utrechts Conservatorium and Utrecht University). Each project will pilot a joint program of study, combining existing modules with newly developed ones. The feasibility of joint degrees will be explored: a combined bachelor’s degree in Amsterdam; and a combined master’s degree in Utrecht. The full innovation process will be translated to a transferable infrastructural model. For 125 students it will fuse praxis-based musical knowledge and skills, practice-led research and academic training. Beyond this, the partners will also use the Comenius funds as a springboard for collaboration between the two cities to enrich their respective BA and MA programs. In the end, the programme will diversify the educational possibilities for students of music in the Netherlands, and thereby increase their professional opportunities in today’s job market.
Verschillende maatschappelijke veranderingen dwingen de bouwbranche tot innovaties. Ondanks de potentie op het vlak van circulariteit en duurzaamheid van 3D-printen met kunststoffen kent deze technologie nog nauwelijks toepassingen in de bouw. Redenen hiervoor zijn achterblijvende materiaaleigenschappen en het verschil in cultuur tussen de bouwwereld en kunststofverwerkende industrie. Het bedrijf Phidias, richt zich op innovatieve en creatieve vastgoedconcepten. Samen met Zuyd Hogeschool (Zuyd) willen zij onderzoek doen naar het printen van bouwelementen waarbij de meerwaarde van 3D-printen wordt gezien in het combineren van materiaaleigenschappen. Zuyd heeft afgelopen jaren veel onderzoek gedaan naar het ontwikkelen van materialen voor 3D-printen (o.a. 2014-01-96 PRO). De volgende fase is de opgedane kennis toe te passen voor specifieke applicaties, in dit geval om de vraag van het MKB bedrijf Phidias te beantwoorden. Vanuit een ander MKB-bedrijf, MaukCC, ontwikkelaar van 3D printers, komt de vraag om de afstemming tussen materialen en hardware te optimaliseren. De combinatie van beide vragen uit het werkveld en de expertise bij Zuyd heeft geleid tot dit projectvoorstel. In deze pilotstudie ligt de focus voornamelijk op het 3D printen van één specifiek bouwkundig element met meerdere eigenschappen (bouwfysisch en constructief). De combinatie van eigenschappen wordt verkregen door gebruik te maken van twee (biobased) kunststoffen waarbij tevens een variatie wordt aangebracht in de geprinte structuren. Op deze manier kunnen grondstoffen worden gespaard. Het onderzoek sluit aan bij twee zwaartepunten van Zuyd, namelijk “Transitie naar een duurzaam gebouwde omgeving” en “Life science & materials”. De interdisciplinaire aanpak, op het grensvlak van de lectoraten “Material Sciences” (Gino van Strydonck) en “Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment” (Zeger Vroon) staat garant voor innovatief onderzoek. Integratie van onderwijs en onderzoek vindt plaats door studenten samen met een coach (docent) en ervaren professional aan dit onderzoek te laten werken in Communities for Development (CfD’s).