Introduction: Many adults do not reach the recommended physical activity (PA) guidelines, which can lead to serious health problems. A promising method to increase PA is the use of smartphone PA applications. However, despite the development and evaluation of multiple PA apps, it remains unclear how to develop and design engaging and effective PA apps. Furthermore, little is known on ways to harness the potential of artificial intelligence for developing personalized apps. In this paper, we describe the design and development of the Playful data-driven Active Urban Living (PAUL): a personalized PA application.Methods: The two-phased development process of the PAUL apps rests on principles from the behavior change model; the Integrate, Design, Assess, and Share (IDEAS) framework; and the behavioral intervention technology (BIT) model. During the first phase, we explored whether location-specific information on performing PA in the built environment is an enhancement to a PA app. During the second phase, the other modules of the app were developed. To this end, we first build the theoretical foundation for the PAUL intervention by performing a literature study. Next, a focus group study was performed to translate the theoretical foundations and the needs and wishes in a set of user requirements. Since the participants indicated the need for reminders at a for-them-relevant moment, we developed a self-learning module for the timing of the reminders. To initialize this module, a data-mining study was performed with historical running data to determine good situations for running.Results: The results of these studies informed the design of a personalized mobile health (mHealth) application for running, walking, and performing strength exercises. The app is implemented as a set of modules based on the persuasive strategies “monitoring of behavior,” “feedback,” “goal setting,” “reminders,” “rewards,” and “providing instruction.” An architecture was set up consisting of a smartphone app for the user, a back-end server for storage and adaptivity, and a research portal to provide access to the research team.Conclusions: The interdisciplinary research encompassing psychology, human movement sciences, computer science, and artificial intelligence has led to a theoretically and empirically driven leisure time PA application. In the current phase, the feasibility of the PAUL app is being assessed.
This paper introduces a design case that was built around the challenge to design a prototype for women that would positively influence their perception of personal safety in public spaces. The proposed design combines an individual focus with a public impact, influencing emotions through embodiment by introducing a necklace that reminds the wearer to walk straight and as a result, influence felt emotions such as confidence and prevent feelings of unsafety caused by slouching. In this paper, a prototype for wearable technology called PosturAroma is introduced: a fashionable necklace with a sensor that detects slouched body posture and reminds the user to stand straight by giving out a discrete scent.
Indebted documents: Empirical research on the comprehensibility of the reminder and the court summons indebt collection cases. Every day, thousands of households receive documents concerning debt collection. Unsurprisingly, these documents have a great impact on the lives of many. Do these documents inform readers properly about basics such as the claim, the claimant and what to do when one disagrees? Which literacy skills predict success in understanding this information and how are these results linked to document and task characteristics? In this study two debt collecting documents were examined, the non-judicial reminder and the legal court summons informing the defendant about the claim, about the claimant and about the legal procedure. 83 respondents answered questions about these documents. Their scores have been related to reader characteristics, document characteristics and task characteristics. The reminder was understood by a great majority of the participants. Comprehending information was easy because the document was suitable for the task. In contrast, the court summons enabled readers to understand less than half of the information. This document is characterized by a substantial volume, a style and structure not helping participants to understand basic information. A higher education and a larger vocabulary predicted better success, but prior knowledge about legal debt collection did not help participants to perform better.
De beroepsgroep van diëtisten staat voor de uitdaging om de bijdrage van diëtistische zorg in de behandeling transparanter te maken. Het aantonen van (kosten)effectiviteit van de behandeling wordt door de beroepsgroep gezien als een urgente en noodzakelijke voorwaarde voor de continuïteit van de bedrijfsvoering en als wapen tegen dreigende bezuinigingen door overheid en zorgverzekeraars. Diëtisten hebben bovendien te maken met de toegenomen marktwerking in de zorg. De afgelopen jaren hebben steeds meer organisaties voor Thuiszorg afdelingen diëtetiek afgestoten en zijn diëtisten als zelfstandig ondernemer verder gegaan. Meer dan ooit wordt de noodzaak gevoeld om de toegevoegde waarde van de diëtist inzichtelijk te kunnen maken in onderhandelingen met zorgverzekeraars en zorggroepen. Zoals een diëtist het verwoordt: ?Zorgverzekeraars zullen in toenemende mate eisen stellen aan het aantonen van meerwaarde van dieet-behandeling en willen resultaat zien.? Van daaruit ontstaat vanuit de beroepspraktijk de vraag: ?Hoe kunnen we de meerwaarde van de diëtist aantonen op het niveau van de eigen praktijk én als beroepsgroep als geheel?? Eenduidige registratie en evaluatie van doelen van dieetbehandeling is een voorwaarde om uiteindelijk de (kosten)effectiviteit van de dieetbehandeling te kunnen aantonen. Op dit moment wordt binnen diëtistenpraktijken niet eenduidig geregistreerd, gemeten en geëvalueerd. Diëtisten zijn zich hiervan bewust en hebben de wens geuit op niveau van eigen praktijk, groepspraktijk en zelfs landelijk te willen komen tot een afstemming over registratie van data (welke data, op welk meetmoment en op welke manier). In diverse kleine voortrajecten hebben diëtisten uit het werkveld, samen met het lectoraat Voeding in relatie tot Sport en Gezondheid (VSG) van de HAN, toegewerkt naar een keuze voor doelen, meetinstrumenten en meetmomenten voor dieetbegeleiding bij cardiovasculair risicomanagement (CVRM). Een belangrijke en nog te beantwoorden vraag is of de gekozen methoden werkbaar en inpasbaar zijn in de dagelijkse praktijkvoering.