Objective This study aims to better understand how new future-oriented nursing roles are enacted in a general hospital. Design A learning history, that is, a participatory action-oriented research design to explore and foster organizational learning. Methods Data collection consisted of a (historical) document analysis, the shadowing of differentiated nursing practices (36 h), 22 open interviews, 4 oral history interviews, 2 focus groups and a podcast series (7 h) created with participants. Results The data gathered revealed three important themes regarding enacting new nursing roles: (1) stretching the nature of nursing work, (2) using earlier experiences and (3) collectively tackling taboos. Conclusions Differentiated nursing practices and enacting new nursing roles have long and complex histories. Attempts to differentiate are often met with resistance from within the nursing profession. This study shows how the new role of nurse coordinator was negotiated in nursing teams. With a bottom-up approach focused on collective responsibilities. By acknowledging and reflecting on the past, spaces were enacted in which the role of nurse coordinator became one role, among others, in the delivery of patient care. Impact This study provides an innovative perspective on differentiated nursing practices by focusing on the past, the present and the future. We found that local, situated conditions can be taken as starting points when new nursing roles are enacted. In addition, shifting focus from individual nursing roles to nursing team development, emphasizing collective responsibilities, softens strong (historically) grown emotions and creates spaces in which new roles become negotiable.
Objective This study aims to better understand how new future-oriented nursing roles are enacted in a general hospital. Design A learning history, that is, a participatory action-oriented research design to explore and foster organizational learning. Methods Data collection consisted of a (historical) document analysis, the shadowing of differentiated nursing practices (36 h), 22 open interviews, 4 oral history interviews, 2 focus groups and a podcast series (7 h) created with participants. Results The data gathered revealed three important themes regarding enacting new nursing roles: (1) stretching the nature of nursing work, (2) using earlier experiences and (3) collectively tackling taboos. Conclusions Differentiated nursing practices and enacting new nursing roles have long and complex histories. Attempts to differentiate are often met with resistance from within the nursing profession. This study shows how the new role of nurse coordinator was negotiated in nursing teams. With a bottom-up approach focused on collective responsibilities. By acknowledging and reflecting on the past, spaces were enacted in which the role of nurse coordinator became one role, among others, in the delivery of patient care. Impact This study provides an innovative perspective on differentiated nursing practices by focusing on the past, the present and the future. We found that local, situated conditions can be taken as starting points when new nursing roles are enacted. In addition, shifting focus from individual nursing roles to nursing team development, emphasizing collective responsibilities, softens strong (historically) grown emotions and creates spaces in which new roles become negotiable. Patient or Public Contribution No patient or public contribution.
Objective This study aims to better understand how new future-oriented nursing roles are enacted in a general hospital. Design A learning history, that is, a participatory action-oriented research design to explore and foster organizational learning. Methods Data collection consisted of a (historical) document analysis, the shadowing of differentiated nursing practices (36 h), 22 open interviews, 4 oral history interviews, 2 focus groups and a podcast series (7 h) created with participants. Results The data gathered revealed three important themes regarding enacting new nursing roles: (1) stretching the nature of nursing work, (2) using earlier experiences and (3) collectively tackling taboos. Conclusions Differentiated nursing practices and enacting new nursing roles have long and complex histories. Attempts to differentiate are often met with resistance from within the nursing profession. This study shows how the new role of nurse coordinator was negotiated in nursing teams. With a bottom-up approach focused on collective responsibilities. By acknowledging and reflecting on the past, spaces were enacted in which the role of nurse coordinator became one role, among others, in the delivery of patient care. Impact This study provides an innovative perspective on differentiated nursing practices by focusing on the past, the present and the future. We found that local, situated conditions can be taken as starting points when new nursing roles are enacted. In addition, shifting focus from individual nursing roles to nursing team development, emphasizing collective responsibilities, softens strong (historically) grown emotions and creates spaces in which new roles become negotiable. Patient or Public Contribution No patient or public contribution.
In the Netherlands, 125 people suffer a stroke every day, which annually results in 46.000 new stroke patients Stroke patients are confronted with combinations of physical, psychological and social consequences impacting their long term functioning and quality of live. Fortunately many patients recover to their pre-stroke level of functioning, however, almost half of them never will. Consequently, rehabilitation often means that patients need to adapt to a new reality in their lives, requiring not only physical but also psychosocial adjustments. Nurses play a key role during rehabilitation of stroke patients. However, when confronted with psychosocial problems, they often feel insecure about identifying the specific psycho-social needs of the individual patient and providing adequate care. In our project ‘Early Detection of Post-Stroke Depression’, (SIA RAAK; 2010-12-36P), we developed a toolkit focusing on early identification of depression after stroke continued with interventions nurses can use during hospitalisation. During this project it became clear that evidence regarding possible interventions is scarce and inclusive. Moreover feasibility of interventions is often not confirmed. Our project showed that during the period of hospital admission patients and health care providers strongly focus on surviving the stroke and on the physical rehabilitation. Therefore, we concluded that to make one step beyond we first have to go one step back. To strengthen psychosocial care for patients after stroke we have to add, reconsider and shape knowledge in context of health care practices in a systematic way, resulting in evidence based and practice informed stepping stones. With this project we aim to collect these stepping stones and develop a nursing care programme that improves psychosocial well-being of patients after stroke, is tailored to the particular concerns and needs of patients, and is considered feasible for use in the usual care process of nurses in the stroke rehabilitation pathway.
Aanleiding Mede door de vergrijzing groeit de zorgvraag in Nederland. Tegelijkertijd vallen veel verpleegkundigen uit door fysieke en mentale arbeidsbelasting. Dit begint al tijdens de opleiding/aan de start van de loopbaan. Dreigende arbeidstekorten en decentralisatie in de zorg vragen om verpleegkundigen die regie kunnen voeren over hun eigen werkgerelateerde gezondheid. Er is nog weinig wetenschappelijke kennis over het vroegtijdig signaleren en aanpakken van uitval onder verpleegkundigen. Bovendien hapert de invoer van effectieve interventies. Daarom willen zorginstellingen, verpleegkunde-opleidingen en wetenschappelijke organisaties onderzoek doen naar de oorzaken van uitval en een instrument ontwikkelen om problemen vroegtijdig te herkennen en te ondervangen. Doelstelling Het consortium wil een wetenschappelijk en praktisch onderbouwd instrumentarium ontwikkelen voor het signaleren van risicofactoren, gezondheidsproblemen, productiviteitsverlies en uitval bij stagiairs en beginnende verpleegkundigen, met daaraan gekoppeld effectieve preventieve interventies voor in de onderwijs- en stagepraktijk. Het programma kent twee fases. 1) literatuuronderzoek, kwalitatief onderzoek naar nog onbekende risicofactoren en longitudinaal cohortonderzoek vormen de basis voor een signaleringsinstrument/predictiemodel. In het cohortonderzoek worden van 750 (aankomend) verpleegkundigen 2,5 jaar de determinanten voor uitval gemonitord. In expertmeetings selecteert men vervolgens 6 evidencebased interventies. 2) het onderzoeksteam pre-test deze interventies op eerste haalbaarheid bij studenten verpleegkunde met risico. De 2 kansrijkste interventies, één voor mentale en één voor fysieke werkbelasting, worden in pilots op effectiviteit getoetst. In het onderzoek zet men de psychometrisch beproefde meetinstrumenten in van de European Nurses Early Exit Study (online enquêtes), aangevuld met inzichten uit interviews, fysieke metingen en praktijkobservaties. Beoogde resultaten De beoogde resultaten van het project zijn: " inzicht in de fysieke en mentale problemen van verpleegkundigen; " een gevalideerd predictiemodel voor geïndiceerde preventie in de zorg; " good practices en een kant-en-klare webapplicatie voor vroegsignalering met interventies in het stageonderwijs en het werkveld om uitval te voorkomen; " valorisatie van kennis in co-creatie met studenten, zorginstellingen en zorgprofessionals in de regio; " kennisinput voor de opleidingen Nurse practitioner, Verpleegkunde, Arbeid en Gezondheid, HRM. Een grote groep studenten is respondent in het onderzoek. In de uitvoering participeren ook studenten en daarnaast onder meer lectoren, onderzoekers en docenten van Hogeschool Rotterdam en twee promovendi. Voor de wetenschappelijke disseminatie worden refereerbijeenkomsten en presentaties gehouden op internationale congressen, en proefschriften en artikelen geschreven gepubliceerd. De verspreiding onder maatschappelijke partners gebeurt via vakpublicaties, expertmeetings en een slotsymposium. Met internationale partners uit het netwerk worden mogelijkheden verkend voor internationale parallelstudies.