
Towards a zero emission city logistics maturity model.


With the approach of the zero emission zone implementation in 30-40 cities mandated by the Dutch Klimaatakkord, comes the need to determine whether the SMEs located within these zones are aware of the coming changes and if they are, how far they have come in their preparation. This paper delves into the development of the zero emission city logistics maturity model tool which is used to indicate the progress of these small to medium enterprises in light of reaching fully zero emission city logistics operations. The paper starts off with a review of existing maturity models which forms the baseline for the zero emission city logistics maturity model in rubric form. A QuickScan analysis is developed in order to facilitate data collection by students who then approach businesses and use the QuickScan results to benchmark the businesses progress against other businesses. This paper then concludes with the preliminary results from the initial QuickScans performed by HBO level students.

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    Maturity Model and Scan Zero Emission City Logistics

    Develop a maturity model based on a quick scan to see how far a (SME) company is in awareness / activities on sustainable logistics (and the direction to zero emission city logistics: ZECL ) and (if it is possible, because this is a 2nd model) how far governments are in their ZE zone planning. Based on the quick scan, companies receive appropriate information about their relevant policy and sustainability measures (including availability of e-vehicles, etc.). Tool can be used by students to quickly reach companies around ZECL and to provide them with information directly via the results. This helps and students learn about this subject, but should also contribute to awareness among a larger group of feeding/receiving and possibly loading parties about ZECL. In addition, with sufficiently participating companies, a good picture can also arise of how far companies are now with regard to ZECL (and this could also be repeated over time in order to get a picture of the development in maturity in this area).




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