
User motivations and requirements for Vehicle2Grid systems


Vehicle2Grid is a new charging strategy that allows for charging and discharging of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) and Full Electric Vehicles (FEV). The discharged energy can be supplied back to the (local) energy grid, enabling for grid alleviation, but can also be supplied back to the household in the case of a Vehicle2Home connection. Vehicle2Grid is an innovative and complex systems that requires adequate input from users if the local energy grid is to fully benefit from the discharged energy. Users have to be willing for the State of Charge of their EV to be adjusted in order for the Vehicle2Grid system to actually discharge energy from the EV. However, limiting the potential range of an EV can act as a barrier for the use of a Vehicle2Grid system, as discharging might cause uncertainty and possible range anxiety. Charging and discharging an EV through the use of Vehicle2Grid is therefore expected to change user’s routines and interactions with the charging system. Yet few Vehicle2Grid studies have focused on the requirements of a Vehicle2Grid system from the perspective of the user. This paper discussed several incentives and design guidelines that focus on the interaction users have with a Vehicle2Grid system in order to optimize user engagement with the system and integrate user preferences into the complex charging strategy. Results were obtained through a brief literature study, from a focus group as well as from two Vehicle2Grid field pilots. At the end of the paper, recommendations for further research are given.



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