The Netherlands is a frontrunner in the field of public charging infrastructure, having a high number of public charging stations per electric vehicle (EV) in the world. During the early years of adoption (2012-2015) a large percentage of the EV fleet were Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)due to the subsidy scheme at that time. With an increasing number of Full Electric Vehicles (FEVs) on the market and a current subsidy scheme for FEV only, a transition of the EV fleet from PHEV to FEV is expected. This is hypothesized to have effect on charging behavior of the complete fleet, reason to understand better how PHEVs and FEVs differ in charging behavior and how this impacts charging infrastructure usage. In this paper, the effects of the transition of PHEV to FEV is simulated by extending an existing Agent Based Model. Results show important effects of this transitionon charging infrastructure performance.
Conflict lies at the core of urban sustainability transitions and the indispensable structural changes that accompany them. In this chapter we examine the RESILIO project, a multi-actor collaboration in Amsterdam aiming to transition towards a 'climate proof' city through smart water retention systems on urban roofs. The focus is on the conflict that emerged during discussions about controlling the smart valves on the rooftops which are designed to prevent urban flooding. Using a discourse analytical framework, the study analyses participant interactions, conflicting positions, and discursive strategies employed by the partners involved in the initiative. Participants utilised several discursive strategies, including identity, stake, and accountability management, to manage their positions in the conflict and influence the discourse. The study highlights the challenges of addressing conflict that involves redefining accountability and responsibility between public and private actors in the collaborative setting of transition initiatives. By doing so the findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how conflict can shape learning processes and foster sustainable urban transitions.
The transition from home to a nursing home can be stressful and traumatic for both older persons and informal caregivers and is often associated with negative outcomes. Additionally, transitional care interventions often lack a comprehensive approach, possibly leading to fragmented care. To avoid this fragmentation and to optimize transitional care, a comprehensive and theory-based model is fundamental. It should include the needs of both older persons and informal caregivers. Therefore, this study, conducted within the European TRANS-SENIOR research consortium, proposes a model to optimize the transition from home to a nursing home, based on the experiences of older persons and informal caregivers. These experiences were captured by conducting a literature review with relevant literature retrieved from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Studies were included if older persons and/or informal caregivers identified the experiences, needs, barriers, or facilitators during the transition from home to a nursing home. Subsequently, the data extracted from the included studies were mapped to the different stages of transition (pre-transition, mid-transition, and post-transition), creating the TRANSCITmodel. Finally, results were discussed with an expert panel, leading to a final proposed TRANSCIT model. The TRANSCIT model identified that older people and informal caregivers expressed an overall need for partnership during the transition from home to a nursing home. Moreover, it identified 4 key components throughout the transition trajectory (ie, pre-, mid-, and post-transition): (1) support, (2) communication, (3) information, and (4) time. The TRANSCIT model could advise policy makers, practitioners, and researchers on the development and evaluation of (future) transitional care interventions. It can be a guideline reckoning the needs of older people and their informal caregivers, emphasizing the need for a partnership, consequently reducing fragmentation in transitional care and optimizing the transition from home to a nursing home.
Designing cities that are socially sustainable has been a significant challenge until today. Lately, European Commission’s research agenda of Industy 5.0 has prioritised a sustainable, human-centric and resilient development over merely pursuing efficiency and productivity in societal transitions. The focus has been on searching for sustainable solutions to societal challenges, engaging part of the design industry. In architecture and urban design, whose common goal is to create a condition for human life, much effort was put into elevating the engineering process of physical space, making it more efficient. However, the natural process of social evolution has not been given priority in urban and architectural research on sustainable design. STEPS stems from the common interest of the project partners in accessible, diverse, and progressive public spaces, which is vital to socially sustainable urban development. The primary challenge lies in how to synthesise the standardised sustainable design techniques with unique social values of public space, propelling a transition from technical sustainability to social sustainability. Although a large number of social-oriented studies in urban design have been published in the academic domain, principles and guidelines that can be applied to practice are large missing. How can we generate operative principles guiding public space analysis and design to explore and achieve the social condition of sustainability, developing transferable ways of utilising research knowledge in design? STEPS will develop a design catalogue with operative principles guiding public space analysis and design. This will help designers apply cross-domain knowledge of social sustainability in practice.
De 2SHIFT SPRONG-groep is een samenwerkingsverband van HAN University of Applied Sciences en Fontys Hogescholen. Onze ambitie is het vergroten van eerlijke kansen op gezond leven. Dit doen we door het vormgeven en versterken van gemeenschappen als fundament voor het creëren van eerlijke kansen op gezond leven. Vanuit deze gemeenschappen wordt in co-creatie gewerkt aan structuur (i.e. systeem), sociale en technologische innovaties. Deze ambitie sluit aan bij de centrale missie KIA Gezondheid en Zorg om bij te dragen aan goede gezondheid en het verkleinen van sociaaleconomische gezondheidsverschillen. Ook draagt het bij aan deelmissie 1. het voorkomen van ziekte, waarbij wij uitgaan van het concept Positieve Gezondheid en Leefomgeving. Én het zorgt voor het verplaatsen van ondersteuning en zorg naar de leefomgeving (deelmissie 2), doordat gemeenschappen hiervoor een stevig fundament vormen. De gemeenschap is geoperationaliseerd als een samenwerking tussen inwonersinitiatieven (i.e. informele actoren) én professionals vanuit wonen, welzijn, zorg en gemeenten (i.e. formele actoren) die bestuurlijk en beleidsmatig worden ondersteund. Toenemend wordt een belangrijke rol en meer verantwoordelijkheid toebedeeld aan inwoners en wordt de noodzaak van sectoroverstijgende, inclusieve samenwerking tussen deze actoren in lokale fieldlabs benadrukt. 2SHIFT start daarom in vier fieldlabs: twee dorpen en twee wijken in (midden-)stedelijke gebieden, waar in vergelijking met groot-stedelijk gebied (zoals Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht) andere dynamieken en mechanismen een rol spelen bij het creëren van eerlijke kansen op een gezond leven. Om impact in onderwijs en praktijk te realiseren werken we nauw samen met studenten, docenten én met inwoners, professionals, bestuurders en beleidsmakers uit wonen, welzijn, zorg en gemeenten én landelijke kennispartners (“quadruple helix”). 2SHIFT brengt transdisciplinaire expertise én verschillende onderzoeksparadigma’s samen in een Learning Community (LC), waarin bestaande kennis en nieuwe kennis wordt samengebracht en ontwikkeld. Over 8 jaar is 2SHIFT een (inter)nationaal erkende onderzoeksgroep die het verschil maakt.
The transition towards an economy of wellbeing is complex, systemic, dynamic and uncertain. Individuals and organizations struggle to connect with and embrace their changing context. They need to create a mindset for the emergence of a culture of economic well-being. This requires a paradigm shift in the way reality is constructed. This emergence begins with the mindset of each individual, starting bottom-up. A mindset of economic well-being is built using agency, freedom, and responsibility to understand personal values, the multi-identity self, the mental models, and the individual context. A culture is created by waving individual mindsets together and allowing shared values, and new stories for their joint context to emerge. It is from this place of connection with the self and the other, that individuals' intrinsic motivation to act is found to engage in the transitions towards an economy of well-being. This project explores this theoretical framework further. Businesses play a key role in the transition toward an economy of well-being; they are instrumental in generating multiple types of value and redefining growth. They are key in the creation of the resilient world needed to respond to the complex and uncertain of our era. Varta-Valorisatielab, De-Kleine-Aarde, and Het Groene Brein are frontrunner organizations that understand their impact and influence. They are making bold strategic choices to lead their organizations towards an economy of well-being. Unfortunately, they often experience resistance from stakeholders. To address this resistance, the consortium in the proposal seeks to answer the research question: How can individuals who connect with their multi-identity-self, (via personal values, mental models, and personal context) develop a mindset of well-being that enables them to better connect with their stakeholders (the other) and together address the transitional needs of their collective context for the emergence of a culture of the economy of wellbeing?