
A systematic approach to assessing indoor air quality of long term care facilities


Not much is known about the favourable indoor air quality in long term care facilities (LTCFs), where older adults suffering from dementia live. Older adults, especially those who suffer from dementia, are more sensible to the indoor environment. However, no special requirements for the indoor air in long term care facilities exist. Due to the decrease in cognition function, it is hard to evaluate comfort and health in this group. Nevertheless, infectious diseases are a persistent problem. Based on literature an assessment methodology has been developed to analyse LTCFs to determine if differences in building characteristics and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems influence the spread of airborne infectious diseases. The developed methodology is applied in seven long term care facilities in the Netherlands. After that, the methodology has been evaluated and its feasibility and applicability are discussed.
From this study, it can be concluded that this method has potential to evaluate, compare LTCFs, and develop design guidelines for these buildings. However, some adjustments to the methodology are necessary to achieve this objective. Therefore, the relation between the indoor environment and infection risk is not yet analysed, but a consistent procedure
to analyse this link is provided.




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