
Unravelling the kinetics of the formation of acrylamide in the Maillard reaction of fructose and asparagine by multiresponse modelling


A kinetic model for the formation of acrylamide in a fructose-asparagine reaction system at initial pH 5.5 is proposed, based on an approach called multiresponse kinetic modelling. The formation of acetic acid and formic acid from the degradation of fructose and its isomer glucose was included in the proposed kinetic model. The kinetic model suggests that the effect of temperature on acrylamide formation with fructose is more due to the preceding steps with the formation of the Schiff base. The use of fructose and lower pH resulted in a higher yield of acrylamide (3%), suggesting that both can play an important role in acrylamide mitigation. Furthermore, these models have shown that, at high temperatures (120-200 °C), the Maillard reaction rapidly goes into the advanced stages, forming high amounts of organic acids and high molecular weight melanoidins. Overall, these mechanistic models provide more insight of the formation of acrylamide in a quantitative way.