Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has been recognized as an important technology to increase the local self-consumption of photovoltaics in the local energy system. Different auction mechanisms and bidding strategies haven been investigated in previous studies. However, there has been no comparatively analysis on how different market structures influence the local energy system’s overall performance. This paper presents and compares two market structures, namely a centralized market and a decentralized market. Two pricing mechanisms in the centralized market and two bidding strategies in the decentralized market are developed. The results show that the centralized market leads to higher overall system self-consumption and profits. In the decentralized market, some electricity is directly sold to the grid due to unmatchable bids and asks. Bidding strategies based on the learning algorithm can achieve better performance compared to the random method.
Hoe kun je de dialoog aangaan over duurzame energie? Hoe ga je om met weerstanden van omwonenden? En hoe sluit je daarbij aan bij de beleving van mensen? Om antwoord te kunnen geven op deze complexe vragen, hebben Hogeschool Utrecht en Hanzehogeschool Groningen de afgelopen twee jaar onderzoek gedaan naar de manier waarop burgers lokale energietoepassingen bespreken. In deze publicatie: onderzoek Let's talk energy door de ogen van vijf onderzoekers en partners.
A transition of today’s energy system towards renewableresources, requires solutions to match renewable energy generationwith demand over time. These solutions include smartgrids, demand-side management and energy storage. Energycan be stored during moments of overproduction of renewableenergy and used from the storage during moments ofinsufficient production. Allocation in real time of generatedenergy towards controlled appliances or storage chargers, isdone by a smart control system which makes decisions basedon predictions (of upcoming generation and demand) andinformation of the actual condition of storages.
Verschillende maatschappelijke veranderingen dwingen de bouwbranche tot innovaties. Ondanks de potentie op het vlak van circulariteit en duurzaamheid van 3D-printen met kunststoffen kent deze technologie nog nauwelijks toepassingen in de bouw. Redenen hiervoor zijn achterblijvende materiaaleigenschappen en het verschil in cultuur tussen de bouwwereld en kunststofverwerkende industrie. Het bedrijf Phidias, richt zich op innovatieve en creatieve vastgoedconcepten. Samen met Zuyd Hogeschool (Zuyd) willen zij onderzoek doen naar het printen van bouwelementen waarbij de meerwaarde van 3D-printen wordt gezien in het combineren van materiaaleigenschappen. Zuyd heeft afgelopen jaren veel onderzoek gedaan naar het ontwikkelen van materialen voor 3D-printen (o.a. 2014-01-96 PRO). De volgende fase is de opgedane kennis toe te passen voor specifieke applicaties, in dit geval om de vraag van het MKB bedrijf Phidias te beantwoorden. Vanuit een ander MKB-bedrijf, MaukCC, ontwikkelaar van 3D printers, komt de vraag om de afstemming tussen materialen en hardware te optimaliseren. De combinatie van beide vragen uit het werkveld en de expertise bij Zuyd heeft geleid tot dit projectvoorstel. In deze pilotstudie ligt de focus voornamelijk op het 3D printen van één specifiek bouwkundig element met meerdere eigenschappen (bouwfysisch en constructief). De combinatie van eigenschappen wordt verkregen door gebruik te maken van twee (biobased) kunststoffen waarbij tevens een variatie wordt aangebracht in de geprinte structuren. Op deze manier kunnen grondstoffen worden gespaard. Het onderzoek sluit aan bij twee zwaartepunten van Zuyd, namelijk “Transitie naar een duurzaam gebouwde omgeving” en “Life science & materials”. De interdisciplinaire aanpak, op het grensvlak van de lectoraten “Material Sciences” (Gino van Strydonck) en “Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment” (Zeger Vroon) staat garant voor innovatief onderzoek. Integratie van onderwijs en onderzoek vindt plaats door studenten samen met een coach (docent) en ervaren professional aan dit onderzoek te laten werken in Communities for Development (CfD’s).
The denim industry faces many complex sustainability challenges and has been especially criticized for its polluting and hazardous production practices. Reducing resource use of water, chemicals and energy and changing denim production practices calls for collaboration between various stakeholders, including competing denim brands. There is great benefit in combining denim brands’ resources and knowledge so that commonly defined standards and benchmarks are developed and realized on a scale that matters. Collaboration however, and especially between competitors, is highly complex and prone to fail. This project brings leading denim brands together to collectively take initial steps towards improving the ecological sustainability impact of denim production, particularly by establishing measurements, benchmarks and standards for resource use (e.g. chemicals, water, energy) and creating best practices for effective collaboration. The central research question of our project is: How do denim brands effectively collaborate together to create common, industry standards on resource use and benchmarks for improved ecological sustainability in denim production? To answer this question, we will use a mixed-method, action research approach. The project’s research setting is the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (MRA), which has a strong denim cluster and is home to many international denim brands and start-ups.
Nowadays, there is particular attention towards the additive manufacturing of medical devices and instruments. This is because of the unique capability of 3D printing technologies for designing and fabricating complex products like bone implants that can be highly customized for individual patients. NiTi shape memory alloys have gained significant attention in various medical applications due to their exceptional superelastic and shape memory properties, allowing them to recover their original shape after deformation. The integration of additive manufacturing technology has revolutionized the design possibilities for NiTi alloys, enabling the fabrication of intricately designed medical devices with precise geometries and tailored functionalities. The AM-SMART project is focused on exploring the suitability of NiTi architected structures for bone implants fabricated using laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) technology. This is because of the lower stiffness of NiTi alloys compared to Ti alloys, closely aligning with the stiffness of bone. Additionally, their unique functional performance enables them to dissipate energy and recover the original shape, presenting another advantage that makes them well-suited for bone implants. In this investigation, various NiTi-based architected structures will be developed, featuring diverse cellular designs, and their long-term thermo-mechanical performance will be thoroughly evaluated. The findings of this study underscore the significant potential of these structures for application as bone implants, showcasing their adaptability for use also beyond the medical sector.