INTRODUCTION: Delirium in critically-ill patients is a common multifactorial disorder that is associated with various negative outcomes. It is assumed that sleep disturbances can result in an increased risk of delirium. This study hypothesized that implementing a protocol that reduces overall nocturnal sound levels improves quality of sleep and reduces the incidence of delirium in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients.METHODS: This interrupted time series study was performed in an adult mixed medical and surgical 24-bed ICU. A pre-intervention group of 211 patients was compared with a post-intervention group of 210 patients after implementation of a nocturnal sound-reduction protocol. Primary outcome measures were incidence of delirium, measured by the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC) and quality of sleep, measured by the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ). Secondary outcome measures were use of sleep-inducing medication, delirium treatment medication, and patient-perceived nocturnal noise.RESULTS: A significant difference in slope in the percentage of delirium was observed between the pre- and post-intervention periods (-3.7% per time period, p=0.02). Quality of sleep was unaffected (0.3 per time period, p=0.85). The post-intervention group used significantly less sleep-inducing medication (p<0.001). Nocturnal noise rating improved after intervention (median: 65, IQR: 50-80 versus 70, IQR: 60-80, p=0.02).CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of delirium in ICU patients was significantly reduced after implementation of a nocturnal sound-reduction protocol. However, reported sleep quality did not improve.
BACKGROUND: Admission to a hospital is often related with hospital-associated disabilities. Improving physical activity during hospitalization is considered effective to counteract hospital-associated disabilities, whereas many studies report on very low physical activity levels. Gradually developing and implementing interventions in cocreation with patients and health care professionals rather than implementing predefined interventions may be more effective in creating sustainable changes in everyday clinical practice. However, no studies have reported on the use of cocreation in the development and implementation of interventions aimed at improving physical activity.OBJECTIVE: This protocol presents a study that aims to investigate if interventions, which will be developed and implemented in cocreation, improve physical activity among patients in surgery, internal medicine, and cardiology hospital wards. The secondary aims are to investigate effectiveness in terms of the reduction in the time patients spend in bed, the length of hospital stay, and the proportion of patients going home after discharge.METHODS: The Better By Moving study takes place for 12 months at the following five different wards of a university hospital: two gastrointestinal and oncology surgery wards, one internal medicine hematology ward, one internal medicine infectious diseases ward, and one cardiology ward. The step-by-step implementation model of Grol and Wensing is used, and all interventions are developed and implemented in cocreation with health care professionals and patients. Outcome evaluation is performed across the different hospital wards and for each hospital ward individually. The primary outcome is the amount of physical activity in minutes assessed with the Physical Activity Monitor AM400 accelerometer in two individual groups of patients (preimplementation [n=110], and 13 months after the start of the implementation [n=110]). The secondary outcomes are time spent in bed measured using behavioral mapping protocols, and length of stay and discharge destination assessed using organizational data. A process evaluation using semistructured interviews and surveys is adopted to evaluate the implementation, mechanisms of impact, context, and perceived barriers and enablers.RESULTS: This study is ongoing. The first participant was enrolled in January 2018. The last outcome evaluation and process evaluation are planned for May and June 2020, respectively. Results are expected in April 2021.CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide information about the effectiveness of developing and implementing interventions in cocreation with regard to improving physical activity in different subgroups of hospitalized patients in a university hospital. By following step-by-step implementation and by performing process evaluation, we will identify the barriers and enablers for implementation and describe the effect of new interventions on improving physical activity among hospitalized patients.TRIAL REGISTRATION: Netherlands Trial Register NL8480; REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/19000.
OBJECTIVES: The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) and Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) are behavioral pain assessment tools for sedated and unconscious critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to compare the reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant validation of the BPS and the CPOT simultaneously in mechanically ventilated patients after cardiac surgery.DESIGN: A prospective, observational cohort study.SETTING: A 20-bed closed-format intensive care unit with mixed medical, surgical, and cardiac surgery patients in a teaching hospital in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.PARTICIPANTS: The study comprised 72 consecutive intubated and mechanically ventilated patients after cardiac surgery who were not able to self-report pain.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Two nurses assessed the BPS and CPOT simultaneously and independently at the following 4 moments: rest, a nonpainful procedure (oral care), rest, and a painful procedure (turning). Both scores showed a significant increase of 2 points between rest and turning. The median BPS score of nurse 1 showed a significant increase of 1 point between rest and the nonpainful procedure (oral care), whereas both median CPOT scores did not change. The interrater reliability of the BPS and CPOT showed fair-to-good agreement of 0.74 overall. During the periods of rest 1 and rest 2, values ranged from 0.24 to 0.46. Cronbach's alpha values for the BPS were 0.62 (nurse 1) and 0.59 (nurse 2) compared with 0.65 and 0.58, respectively, for the CPOT.CONCLUSIONS: The BPS and CPOT are reliable and valid pain assessment tools in a daily clinical setting. However, the discriminant validation of both scores seems less satisfactory in sedated or agitated patients and this topic requires further investigation.
Dit voorstel betreft een onderzoek naar de verschillen in zuiverheid tussen virgin kunststof en post-industrial en post-consumer kunststof-reststromen in relatie tot de inzet van deze materialen bij 3D printen. Thermoplastische kunststoffen zijn in theorie goed te recyclen en opnieuw te gebruiken, bijvoorbeeld in een 3D print proces. In de praktijk blijkt het echter een uitdaging om gerecycled filament te produceren dat geschikt is voor de huidige machine-eisen. De oorsprong van dit project ligt in de gedachte om niet het materiaal aan te passen aan de machine, maar de machine aan het materiaal en hierdoor het gebruik van kunststofrecyclaat in 3D-printen te vergroten. Alvorens dit te kunnen, is meer inzicht in de materiaaleigenschappen nodig. Het doel van dit project is dan ook om de verschillende samenstellingen van kunststof-reststromen in kaart te brengen en hoe dit zich vertaald in mechanische en esthetische kwaliteit ten opzichte van virgin materiaal en wat dit vraagt aan aanpassingen aan 3D printers om deze kunststof-reststromen te kunnen verwerken. Dit onderzoek is een eerste fase in een groter onderzoeksproject. Volgende fasen zullen zich toespitsen op het optimaliseren van productietechnieken voor het printen met gerecycled kunststof en het ontwikkelen van mogelijke toepassingen en bijbehorende circulaire business modellen. Aanleiding voor dit onderzoeksvoorstel is tweeledig. Enerzijds de ervaring van Cre8 dat 3D printen relatief veel kunststof restmateriaal oplevert in de vorm van mislukte prints, proefprints en prototypes met korte levensduur. Passend bij hun duurzame bedrijfsprofiel heeft Cre8 de behoefte om hun eigen reststroom en reststromen uit hun omgeving in te zetten in het productieproces. Anderzijds ziet Refilment zich geconfronteerd met de complexe samenhang tussen de samenstelling van kunststof-reststromen en zijn verwerkingsmogelijkheden (bijvoorbeeld extruder-diameter en verwerkingstemperatuur).
Size measurement plays an essential role for micro-/nanoparticle characterization and property evaluation. Due to high costs, complex operation or resolution limit, conventional characterization techniques cannot satisfy the growing demand of routine size measurements in various industry sectors and research departments, e.g., pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials and food industry etc. Together with start-up SeeNano and other partners, we will develop a portable compact device to measure particle size based on particle-impact electrochemical sensing technology. The main task in this project is to extend the measurement range for particles with diameters ranging from 20 nm to 20 um and to validate this technology with realistic samples from various application areas. In this project a new electrode chip will be designed and fabricated. It will result in a workable prototype including new UMEs (ultra-micro electrode), showing that particle sizing can be achieved on a compact portable device with full measuring range. Following experimental testing with calibrated particles, a reliable calibration model will be built up for full range measurement. In a further step, samples from partners or potential customers will be tested on the device to evaluate the application feasibility. The results will be validated by high-resolution and mainstream sizing techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Coulter counter.
De eiwittransitie slaat aan en zeewier, eendenkroos en reststromen van landbouwgewassen vormen een deel van de voedselbronnen van de toekomst. De kennis over de smaak van eiwitten en aminozuren is groeiende, maar de relatie tussen chemische structuur en smaak verdient aandacht en dat kan door te focussen op kleine peptiden en losse aminozuren. Het project “Aahminozuren!” maakt dat mogelijk. Met deze KIEM aanvraag willen de hogescholen Inholland (Delft, Amsterdam) en HZ University of Applied Sciences (Vlissingen) samen met het bedrijf Biorefinery Solutions (Raalte) verkennend onderzoek doen in een samenwerking met een helder lange termijnperspectief. Doelstelling is tot methoden te komen die het mogelijk maken om enkele kleine eiwitten - en de aminozuren waaruit die zijn opgebouwd – chemisch te karakteriseren en op een doelmatige wijze sensorisch te beoordelen. De deelnemende opleidingen zijn complementair qua expertise en hebben een gezamenlijke affiniteit voor de productie van nieuwe voedingscomponenten uit alternatieve plantaardige bronnen. Daarbij staat smaak voorop. Het langetermijnperspectief is om uit zeewier, eendenkroos en reststromen van landbouwgewassen waardevolle componenten te kunnen isoleren met een toegevoegde waarde op het gebied van smaak. De onderliggende kennis die de relaties tussen structuur en smaak verklaren zal zo kunnen worden gegenereerd, en academische kennis wordt rijp gemaakt voor toepassingen. Doel is ook om ons onderwijs met die kennis en onderzoeksmethoden te verrijken. Studenten hebben in dit project een grote rol. In juni 2021 hopen we met hen en met hun begeleiders een basis te hebben gelegd voor een verdergaande onderzoeksagenda.